Congrats~~~~. dfryett (6 weeks ago | reply). Have been busy with family events but it is still Christmas Day where I am so I will wish you a very Merry Christmas my friend. Hope you are having a relaxing and enjoyable vacation time. ...
Raiola boy - Che il vecchio volpone Mino Raiola fosse in buoni rapporti con la dirigenza milanista lo si era capito in estate. Mentre il sole agostano s'apprestava a salutare i cieli d'Italia Zlatan Ibrahimović e Robinho, ...
Albino Armani 2005 Foja Tonda - Casetta - I.G.T ? Rosso Vallagarina ? All of the fruit for this wine was sourced at estate vineyards in Vallagarina. This offering is 100% Foja Tonda (Casetta). After fermentation the wine was aged in oak ...